CRNP Jennifer Brennan is now located at our facility offering Botox, fillers, micro-needling, IV hydration, and PRP. You can call or text Jennifer directly for an appointment at 484-275-0403.

HYPNOSIS with Alyssa-

Just as massage therapy helps to relax tension and stress in the body, hypnosis serves to release and rest mental patterns of belief, behavior, or limitation to help you achieve your goals. Simply put, hypnosis is a natural trance-like state that brings the body into deep relaxation, allowing us to connect with the subconscious mind. Prices and Length of the session may vary, so please call or email with inquiries and/or appointment requests.

Alyssa also offers sessions in Trager. These sessions induce a calm and meditative state through gentle rocking and bouncing while the client is fully clothed. Trager activates positive neurological changes that promote ease, physical mobility, and a renewed lasting awareness of agelessness.

60 min. $75